Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What to Expect During a Photo Session

As a mother first and a photographer second I like to take some time for you and your child to get
to know me. If you or your child are uncomfortable at all it can come through in the photos so we
take some time to talk and let the kids look at the camera so they will not be intimidated by it.
The more relaxed and comfortable everyone is the better the pictures will be. I try not to take the
traditional posed photos. No "cheese" for me! I like to capture people being themselves!

A session generally lasts about an hour but can run longer, up to two hours. The shoots usually take
place close to when the sunset to achieve the best lighting since I shoot with natural light only. I take
as many photos during that time as possible, usually getting about 150 per shoot.

What to Wear During a Photo Session

Classic clothes are best, something like jeans and a plain-ish shirt. Something without too much
pattern and no logos.

For babies and children cute things, that are timeless, like overalls for boys and big poofy skirts
and bloomers for girls. Also it is a great opportunity for the kids to get to play dress up and be
whatever they want to be!

For newborns their birthday suit is always best. I will always make sure the baby is as warm and
comfortable as possible. Try to keep socks and mittens that will leave an indention on the baby
off at least an hour before the shoot. If mom and dad are going to be in the photos with baby try
to wear something neutral. A black, gray, or white shirt and jeans, or a solid colored dress for mom.

What to Bring to Your Session

You can bring props to the session for your child to incorporate into the photos. A favorite toy
or blanket will add to the sentiment of the photo. If you dont have anything you would like to
bring along I do have lots of my own props I can bring along.

With newborns be prepared for the baby to have an "accident" on a blanket or even on one of us!
Bring a change of clothes and and I will have an extra blanket just in case. All of my stuff gets
washed after every session.


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